1. Dreaming of the Crash (3:56)
2. Cornfield Chase (2:08)
3. Dust (5:42)
4. Day One (3:20)
5. Stay (6:53)
6. Message from Home (1:41)
7. The Wormhole (1:31)
8. Mountains (3:40)
9. Afraid of Time (2:33)
10. A Place Among the Stars (3:28)
11. Running Out (1:58)
12. I’m Going Home (5:49)
13. Coward (8:27)
14. Detach (6:43)
15. S.T.A.Y. (6:24)
16. Where We’re Going (7:42)
17. First Step (1:48)
18. Flying Drone (1:54)
19. Atmospheric Entry (1:42)
20. No Need to Come Back (4:33)
21. Imperfect Lock (6:55)
22. No Time for Caution (4:07)
23. What Happens Now? (2:27)
24. Who’s They? (7:18)
25. Murph (11:21)
26. Organ Variation (4:52)
27. Tick-Tock (8:19)
28. Day One (Original Demo) (3:50)
29. Day One Dark (6:58)
30. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night (1:40)