There are additional info on this rumor. For example:
--Phil Jackson has stated before that he doesn't want to coach anymore, and only interested in management. (Latest news say he is willing to be coach for a short period to lay down groundwork) So far, he has turned down offers (usually coach) from Lakers, Cavaliers, Nets, Knicks & Raptors.
--It is not likely that Jackson will accept the job, unless Dolan is willing to throw big money, and also willing to hand over full control to Jackson. However, Dolan's past records are not good in this aspect (he bypassed the previous GM and signed Melo).
--Jackson helped Knicks won their only two NBA championship in 1970 & 1973 (as player).
--It is likely that if Jackson accepts the position, he will rebuild Knicks and the current roster (including coach Woodson, Melo, Stoudemire etc.) may have to go. Jackson used to criticize the Knicks roster of Melo & Stoudemire as being "clumsy". This move by Dolan is rather smart. Even if Jackson declines the offer, it works as a big incentive for the coach/players to play harder. Knicks has won 3 consecutive games now, so it seems to be working. 作者: s5687118 時間: 2014-3-9 10:27 PM